Thursday, October 13, 2011

How to Lower your cholesterol naturally with Good Eating Habits

The first step to prevent bad cholesterol accumulation in the body is to desist from eating foods that promote its growth.  These foods, which deposit dangerous cholesterol on blood cell walls and cause blockages, include items containing excessive quantities of saturated fats, trans-fats, sugars, salt etc.   
On the other hand, food items containing rich fiber content, like nuts, cereals, vegetables and fruits etc, have the capability to neutralize bad cholesterol.  They also aid in strengthening the walls of blood vessels. 
The best low cholesterol diets contain le with Gss calories while being rich in vitamins and minerals.  This aids in reducing body weight along with assisting the body to function at its optimal efficiency.  The added benefits include fewer chances of deadly illnesses like cancers and heart diseases while keeping terminal illnesses like diabetes and hypertension at bay. 
There is no difference of opinion regarding the efficacy of whole grains, fruits and vegetables in reducing bad cholesterol, but experts are divided in their opinion when it comes to the case of meat, whether lean or fat.  Whatever the case, there is no doubt that consumption of meat can promote obesity, and this is manifested in the present day American population, of which many are obese due to consumption of meat regularly. 
Regulating food intake and consuming foods like soy milk, oat bran, fruits, almonds, oat meal, olive oil etc for breakfast, lunching on fruits, vegetable soups, oat bran bread etc and consuming excellent low fat foods like fresh fruits and vegetables with a handful of nuts thrown in, would  greatly reduce the risk of getting affected by bad cholesterol.  Undertaking regular physical exercises and consuming copious amounts of water along with this diet is also essential to maintain a proper balance. 
For those who are looking for sound advice regarding ways to reduce the risk of bad cholesterol, the following paragraphs may be of immense importance.  First of all, the basic principle of a cholesterol reducing, weight lessening diet is that it must contain natural foods like garlic, foods with good amounts of fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grain breads.  Those who love to eat fish stand to gain much more since fish is a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which is great in digestion and bowel movements. 
Again, make sure that the foods you consume are rich in antioxidants, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E etc.  Supplement this with drinking 2 to 3 liters of water daily, which would help in flushing toxins and bad cholesterol. You also need to consume foods with unsaturated fats while eschewing consumption of those with saturated fats.  Limiting alcohol consumption to the minimum and eliminating foods like butter that reduce the levels of good cholesterol can also go a long way in ensuring you a problem-free physique. Consulting a physician occasionally on all matters of food consumption is also necessary here. 

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