Monday, July 9, 2012

ECG Interpretation - Case 1

Interpret The ECG and leave you diagnosis in the Comment Box Below.......

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  1. Replies
    1. The pt in sinus rhytm , right how it can be AF?

  2. long QT syndrome

  3. Atrial fibrillation with pre-existing left bundle branch block

  4. Atrial fibrillation with pre-existing left bundle branch block

  5. VERY DIFFICULT to interpret this - because the tracing is vertical ... - and it printed out dark - and the image is too small when I tried to download (so that I could light and rotate).

    It is not AFib - and not simple sinus. There are P waves - albeit of low amplitude and difficult to track - but they DO appear to be regular in the long lead II rhythm strip below the tracing. The 4th beat is early - most probably because it is conducting (with a long PR). The 3rd beat from the end is also early- probably also conducting. So - sinus rate in mid 50's with only intermittent capture beats (with long PR).

    The QRS is wide - with LBB morphology. NO CHANGE in QRS morphology on the rhythm strip. Therefore - I suspect there is AV Dissociation - both by default (sinus bradycardia) - and by a slightly accelerated junctional pacemaker (~70/minute) - with intermittent capture.

    Probable LVH despite LBBB (very deep S in V2) - and NO unusual ST-T changes (ST elevation in V2 is part of the LBBB, and not disproportionately elevated given the very deep S in that lead).

    Overall - a very interesting tracing ...
