Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What would you do now?

A 7-2year-old man presents with increasing symptoms of dyspnea and chest pain
on exertion over the past 6 months. He had 2 episodes of near syncope
while climbing stairs. No prior cardiac history.
■ BP 130/50 mmHg and pulse 70 bpm
■ JVP normal and 2 carotid delay
■ LV sustained and displaced; S4 present
■ 2/6 SEM at the base with mid peak
■ 2/6 diastolic decrescendo murmur
■ Moderately dilated LV cavity
■ Mild LVH
■ Mild LA enlargement
■  Calcified Aortic Valve
■ Mean aortic valve gradient 25mmHg
■ AR probably mild

What would you do now?
a. TEE
b. Coronaries then AVR
d. Cardiac catheterization with arterial-venous gradient, CO, root, and coronary
e. Medical observation

Post your answers and comments in the comment box below.


  1. so many things going wrong for this guy, medical observation is not an answer, what is the EF on echo?, you need to asses AV area and if feasible do coronary angio and refer to AVR before the guy dies of SCD.

  2. b
    He requires AVR before LV compromises
