Thursday, July 12, 2012

ECG Interpretation - Case 2

A 46 year old gentleman came to the Emergency department with c/o sudden dyspnea. Patient had similar episode of dyspnea two days earlier which was associated with profuse sweating. Patient is a reformed smoker and a social drinker. ECG is displayed below. Let`s interpret the ECG and decide the next step in the management.

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  1. Rate = 75, Rhythm = Regularly Iregular (b/c of PVC's), Left Axis Deviation, St Seg Depression in V4 - V6 with symemetrical T wave inversions in v3 - v6
    For me = = > ACS
    Send Cardiac Troponins

  2. Sinus; PVCs; LAD; anterior symmetric T wave inversion - and almost "Wellens"-like in V2,V3 - so patient will probably need cath in short order (looking for a tight LAD lesion ...).

    P.S. - THANKS for improving the quality of the ECG! - :)
